In the January, 2016 issue of "Journal of Teaching in Social Work", the Second Edition of "Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn: A Guide for Social Work Field Education" (2nd ed.)., by Wurzweiler School of Social Work's Dean Carmen Ortiz Hendricks, along with co-authors Jeanne Bertrand Finch and Cheryl L. Franks, is reviewed with high praise by writer Lawrence Shulman. It becomes quickly clear that the combined experience and expertise of the authors demonstrate a true command of crucial points in effective social work education.
"Only one so versed in the literature and practice of spirituality and social work, through personal and thorough research, could have produced such a comprehensive and well-organized book. This is an excellent textbook for both social work students and practitioners," remarks Shulman.
He also writes, "This book comes at a particularly important time for social work education as schools struggle to integrate three important elements of their mission: creating new knowledge, transmitting knowledge and serving the community. With an increasing emphasis on faculty research and publication at most schools, the authors correctly identify the importance of strengthening field instruction and the centrality of 'appreciating field instructors as integrated and collaborative components to social work education'."
Shulman also continues that, while addressing a number of issues, the authors "maintain a 'how to' approach. They offer help for the social worker making the transition from practitioner to field educator, including tips and sample supervisory sessions provided in the appendices. They also stress the importance of a school providing training and support through the field liaison process and via ongoing educational support groups."
Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn: A Guide for Social Work Field Education (2014, 2nd ed.)., by Carmen Ortiz Hendricks, Jeanne Bertrand Finch, and Cheryl L. Franks, reviewed by Lawrence Shulman, Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 35:5, 557-558, DOI: 10.1080/08841233.2015.1072036