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Law Enforcement and Security

If this is an emergency, contact 911


Support in Making a Report

You have the right to report to law enforcement or to not report, and the University will provide support and services regardless of the decision. A report to law enforcement does not trigger a report to the University.  A member of the Title IX staff or University Security can provide assistance for a student that wishes to make a report to law enforcement. Law enforcement may also assist persons in obtaining a protective order.

Police Precincts

  • Beren Campus:  (212) 826-3211 or  (212) 239-9811
  • Cardozo Campus:  (212) 741-4811
  • Resnick Campus:  (718) 918-2000
  • Wilf Campus:  (212) 927-9711

University Security 

  • Beren Campus: 646.592.4660
  • Brookdale Center Campus (Cardozo Law): 646.592.6575
  • Resnick Campus (Rousso): 646.592.4385
  • Resnick Campus (Van Etten): 646.592.4398
  • Wilf Campus: 212.960.5200

Campus Security is available on the Beren and Wilf campuses 24 hours a day.

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