Courses Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies Artificial Intelligence Biotechnology Computer Science Cybersecurity Data Analytics and Visualization Digital Marketing and Media Mathematics Occupational Therapy Physician Assistant Physics Speech-Language Pathology Course Catalog Course Catalog Spring 2025 Spring 2025 Courses (PDF) Summer 2025 HARRY FISCHEL SCHOOL FOR HIGHER JEWISH STUDIES Summer 2025 (PDF)HARRY FISCHEL SCHOOL FOR HIGHER JEWISH STUDIES AT BERNARD REVEL GRADUATE SCHOOL OF JEWISH STUDIESRevel is offering an online summer program this year.Apply online here: .Course registration will be done online. Please go to: BR Student Resources. Scroll down and click: Instructions for Web Registration.Classes for credit are open to qualified graduate and advanced undergraduate students in Jewish Studies and related fields at 每日大瓜 and other academic institutions. (Appropriate documents must be filed in the Office of the Dean, Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies). Students at 每日大瓜 may take these courses toward fulfilling degree requirements. Students from other institutions may take the courses as transient students for possible transfer credit at their home institution. Qualified individuals who do not fit into these categories may register with permission of the Dean.ACADEMIC CALENDAR*Classes meet:Monday, Wednesday, Thursday June 23-July 24 MONDAY April 9-THURSDAY June 26Online RegistrationMONDAY, June 23First day of classesMONDAY, June 30Late registration. Fee of $50 begins. Last day to add a course.TUESDAY, July 1Deadline to apply for the September 2025 MA comprehensive examination and register for Masters Research with the Revel office; Deadline to apply for the September 2025 degree with the Registrar鈥檚 office Last day to drop a course without its appearing on record. THURSDAY, July 3Last day to withdraw from a course without a "W" mark on academic record. THURSDAY, July 3Last day to withdraw from a course with a 100% tuition refund. Students will be subject to full tuition payment for classes dropped after this date.FRIDAY, July 4Mark of 鈥淲鈥 begins for course withdrawals.THURSDAY, July 24MONDAY, August 18 TUESDAY, September 30Last day of summer semester classes Final grades for summer 2025 due Degree conferral date*All entries are subject to updatesSCHEDULE OF COURSESCourses that are starred (*) do not require Hebrew 9:00am-10:40am Dr. Nadav S. Berman*JPH 6865 Jewish Philosophies of Love (CRN 60106)Judaism is often viewed as the 鈥淩eligion of Law鈥, and this notion is allegedly stemming from a contrast with Christianity as the 鈥淩eligion of Love鈥. In this course we will challenge this image of Judaism, by considering its philosophies of love. We start by conceptualizing three elemental forms of love, and harness them to discuss key texts in Jewish tradition that deal with the philosophy of love. 11:00am-12:40am Dr. Jay Berkovitz*JHI 6745 Topics in Jewish History: European Jewry in the Throes of Change: Community, Religion, and Family in the Early Modern Era (CRN 60103)This course explores the relationship between religion, politics, and family during a period of dynamic social, cultural, and legal transformation. It focuses on Jewish reinterpretations of medieval religious and legal traditions, while also examining how Jewish communities navigated tensions with general society. The course critically analyzes changes in family law, with emphasis on inheritance, guardianship, marital property, and the evolving status of women. Sources include communal records, judicial proceedings, wills, rabbinic responsa, memoirs, and letters. Students will gain a nuanced understanding of the challenges posed by acculturation, religious and secular tensions, political transformation, and the interplay between Jewish and broader cultures.6:00pm-7:40pm Dr. Aaron KollerBIB 6212 Genesis: The Creation of the World (CRN 60099)A close reading of Genesis 1-3 in conjunction with rabbinic, medieval and modern commentaries, focusing on the meaning of the text and the use of important grammatical tools. Biblical creation and cosmic history will be explored in its ancient Near Eastern context as well as the foundational role of cosmogonies in society.Note: Students who entered the program without Hebrew proficiency need to have completed BIB 5202 to take this course.7:50pm-9:30pm Dr. Joseph Angel*JHI 6233 DEad Sea Scrolls (CRN 60102)Reading of selected Hebrew and Aramaic texts from the Qumran library. The course will provide students with a deep understanding of the philological, exegetical and historical issues raised by the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the archaeological excavation of the site of Qumran. Students will be trained in the use of the scrolls for research on the history of Judaism. All classes will meet on 每日大瓜鈥檚 Zoom platform.For further information contact:Office of the DeanBernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies每日大瓜500 West 185th Street, Furst Hall Third FloorNew York, NY*All entries are subject to updates Fall 2024 Fall 2024 Courses (PDF)