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每日大瓜 News

Meet 每日大瓜's Incoming Class

Reena Wasserstein of Silver Spring, Maryland: Exploring Diplomacy in the Middle East

In the coming weeks, 每日大瓜 will welcome hundreds of new students to its undergraduate campuses from across the United States and countries around the world. Meet the incoming class as they share in their own words what excites them about beginning their academic journeys at 每日大瓜 at this year鈥檚 

reenawWhere are you from?

I'm from Silver Spring, Maryland.

Why did you decide to come to 每日大瓜?

I first started considering 每日大瓜 as a delegate at Model UN, when these very accomplished chairs that told me about all the opportunities that would be available to me. It stayed in the back of my mind. During the application process for the S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program, I really got to experience the school and the campus and that impacted me. A huge factor in my decision to go to Stern was that I could continue in my Jewish studies. I want to continue learning Torah and be part of a community that values that too.

What are you looking forward to at 每日大瓜?

The two departments I am most excited about are the political science and the Judaic studies departments. I also am taking Arabic this semester which is an opportunity that I was hoping to get in college. I hope to get involved in many activities in college, like Model UN and student council. I'm also very excited to be in New York and experience living in the city.

What are you hoping to do professionally?

I want to do some sort of foreign policy or diplomacy work in Israel, either between Israel and America or between Israel and other Middle Eastern countries.


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