Undergraduate Jewish Studies
Our men's and women's undergraduate colleges offer dual education programs with a focus on rigorous Torah study and Jewish heritage.
Rooted in Jewish thought and tradition, ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï offers a variety of Jewish Studies programs for all educational stages.
One of the foundations of ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï is the importance of enriching and enhancing Jewish life and growth both on our campuses and in the Jewish community at large. There are so many opportunities for Jewish learning both in and out of the classroom, whether it be the Torah classes of RIETS and our undergraduate programs, the worldwide Jewish initiatives being spearheaded by Center for the Jewish Future, Torah journals and publications, or our commitment to the ideals and values of Torah U'Madda.
We are proud to share with you our exciting new initiatives and programs and hope that you join us on this journey of Jewish living and learning at ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï!
Our men's and women's undergraduate colleges offer dual education programs with a focus on rigorous Torah study and Jewish heritage.
Situated on a hillside overlooking the heart of Jerusalem, ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï's Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Institute provides support over 600 students beginning their ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï education in Israel as part of the S. Daniel Abraham Israel Program.
The Sephardic Community Program was co-founded by Dr. Herbert C. Dobrinsky and Hakham Solomon Gaon A'H with the vision of having ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï's community service division play a vital role in nurturing those communities by assisting them to build properly run synagogues and educational institutions. Today, more than 50 years later, their vision has yielded tremendous results and won the respect and admiration of Jewish religious and lay leaders and of countless Sephardim throughout North America.
At the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, you will enrich your Jewish knowledge in a rigorous academic environment. If you are a student with a professional interest in academic Jewish studies, a prospective educator in Jewish secondary schools who wants to make a difference in the lives of your students and your community, or "simply" a person who seeks intellectual challenge and growth, this is the place for you.
At Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration, you will find an approach to education that is at once rooted in sacred Jewish traditions and simultaneously in modern disciplines that inform our understanding of how children learn.
View ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï's full list of Jewish Studies programs, centers, and more.
Before every chag, ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï's Center for the Jewish Future publishes ...
Before every chag [Jewish holiday], ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï's Center for the Jewish Future publishes the Benjamin and Rose Berger , a publication of articles and insights relating to that holiday, written by ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï faculty, roshei yeshiva [professors of Talmud] and various other Torah personalities. The publications are distributed to synagogues and schools across North America and Israel, and are available for free download on the Marcos and Adina Katz .
ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï offers preeminent programs in Torah studies...
ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï offers preeminent programs in Torah Studies for undergraduate men and women of every background and at every level of experience and expertise.
A project of ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï's Center for the Jewish Future
Before every chag, ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï's Center for the Jewish Future publishes ...
Before every chag [Jewish holiday], ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï's Center for the Jewish Future publishes the Benjamin and Rose Berger , a publication of articles and insights relating to that holiday, written by ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï faculty, roshei yeshiva [professors of Talmud] and various other Torah personalities. The publications are distributed to synagogues and schools across North America and Israel, and are available for free download on the Marcos and Adina Katz .
ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï offers preeminent programs in Torah studies...
ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï offers preeminent programs in Torah Studies for undergraduate men and women of every background and at every level of experience and expertise.
A project of ÿÈÕ´ó¹Ï's Center for the Jewish Future