Professor of Psychology, Program Director, Clinical Psychology (Health Emphasis) Ph.D. Program, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology; Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Resnick campus - Rousso Building #222
Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology
1165 Morris Park Avenue
Rousso Building
Bronx, NY 10461
The focus of Dr. Feldman's research is the utilization of psychological theories and principles to guide interventions to promote health behavior change. Dr. Feldman's current research is focused on psychosocial factors in both adult and pediatric asthma. Current studies are examining voice biomarkers in asthma control, mobile health interventions for asthma management, and longitudinal associations of depressive symptoms, behavioral factors, inflammatory measures, and asthma outcomes. We are currently carrying out a behavioral intervention in older adults that uses motivational interviewing to improve asthma symptom perception and medication adherence.
Teaching interests include utilization of psychological theories and principles to guide interventions to promote health behavior change. My research focus is on the impact of culture, health beliefs, and psychiatric disease on asthma self-management in Latino and Black children and adults with asthma. Our goal is to develop behavioral interventions that improve medication adherence, symptom perception, asthma control, and quality of life in pediatric and adult patients.
American Psychosomatic Society Scholar Award (2000)
Best Oral Presentation Award at the Critical Research Issues in Latino Mental Health Conference (2009)
Editor's choice award, Thorax, December (2012)
Silver medal winner, Best Manuscript of 2012 (Paediatric Lung Disease Category)
Thorax, Society of Pediatric Psychology (APA Division 54) Diversity Poster Winner (2015)
International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology Best Student Poster Winner (2018)
International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology Best Student Paper Winner (2022)
Examples of recent publications include:
Feldman, J.M., Matte, L.*, Interian, A., Lehrer, P.M., Lu, S.E., Scheckner, B.*, Steinberg, D.M.*, Oken, T.*, Kotay, A., Sinha, S., & Shim, C. Psychological treatment of comorbid asthma and panic disorder in Latino adults: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 87, 142-154, 2016.
Steinberg, D.M.*, Serebrisky, D., & Feldman, J.M. Asthma in children of Caribbean descent living in the inner-city: Comparing Puerto Rican and Afro-Caribbean children. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22, 633-639, 2017.
Vazquez, K.*, Sandler, J.*, Interian, A., & Feldman, J.M. Emotionally triggered asthma and its relationship to panic disorder, ataques de nervios, and asthma-related death of a loved one in Latino adults. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 93, 76-82, 2017.
Goodwin, R.D., Rodgin, S.*, Goldman, R., Rodriguez, J., deVos, G., Serebrisky, D. & Feldman, J.M. Food allergy and anxiety and depression among ethnic minority children and their caregivers. The Journal of Pediatrics, 187, 258-264, 2017.
Morales-Raveendran, E.*, Goodman, E., West, E., Cone, J.E., Katz, C., Weiss, J., Feldman, J., Harrison, D., Markowitz, S., Federman, A.D., Wisnivesky, J. Associations between asthma triggers, mental health conditions, and asthma morbidity among World Trade Center rescue and recovery workers. Journal of Asthma, 56, 833-840, 2019.
Feldman, J.M., Zeigler, A.E.*, Nelson, K.*, Morales-Raveendran, E.*, Pelletier, T. Gottlieb, G.R., Ren, Z., & Jerschow, E. Depression symptoms and quality of life among individuals with Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease. Journal of Asthma, 56, 731-738, 2019.
Arcoleo, K.J., McGovern, C., Kaur, K.*, Halterman, J.S., Mammen, J., Crean, H., Rastogi, D., & Feldman, J.M. Longitudinal patterns of Mexican and Puerto Rican children鈥檚 asthma controller medication adherence and acute healthcare utilization. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 16, 715-723, 2019.
Feldman, J.M., Kaur, K.*, Serebrisky, D., Rastogi, D., Marsiglia, F.F., & Arcoleo, K.A. The adaptive effect of illness-specific panic-fear on asthma outcomes in Mexican and Puerto Rican children. The Journal of Pediatrics, 214, 178-186, 2019
Arcoleo, K.J, Marsiglia, F.F, Serebrisky, D., Rodriguez, J., Soto, D., McGovern, C., & Feldman, J.M. Explanatory model for asthma disparities in Latino children: Results from the Latino Childhood Asthma Project. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 54, 223-236, 2020.
Nelson, K.L.*, Lu, S.E., Oken, T.*, Lehrer, P.M., & Feldman, J.M. Further exploration of treatment response in Latinos with comorbid asthma and panic disorder: a brief report of HRV and ETCO2 as potential mediators of treatment response. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 45, 67-74, 2020.
Hsia, B.C., Singh, A.K., Njeze, O., Cosar, E., Mowrey, W.B., Feldman, J., Reznik, M., Jariwala, S.P. Developing and evaluating ASTHMAXcel adventures: a novel gamified mobile app for pediatric patients with asthma. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 125, 581-588, 2020.
Mammen, J.R., Turgeon, K., Philibert, A., Schoonmaker, J.D., Java, J., Halterman, J., Berliant, M.N., Crowley, A., Reznik, M., Feldman, J., Fortuna, R.J., Arcoleo, K. A mixed-methods analysis of younger adults' perceptions of asthma, self-management, and preventive care: "This isn't helping me none." Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 51, 63-77, 2021.
Mammen, J.R., Java, J.J., Halterman, J., Berliant, M.N., Crowley, A., Frey, S.M., Reznik, M., Feldman, J.M., Schoonmaker, J.D., & Arcoleo, K. Development and preliminary results of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR)-integrated smartphone telemedicine program to deliver asthma care remotely. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 27, 217-230, 2021
Torres-Zevallos, H., Guerreros, A.G., Bazo-Alvarez, J.C., Alvarado, G.F., Vazquez, K.*, Feldman, J.M., & Ritz, T. Evaluation of a Spanish language version of the Asthma Trigger Inventory. Journal of Asthma, 58, 825-833, 2021.
Feldman, J.M., Becker, J., Arora, A., DeLeon, J.*, Hernandez, T.T.*, Greenfield, N.*, Wiviott, A.*, Jariwala, S., Shim, C., Federman, A.D., Wisnivesky, J.P. Depressive symptoms and over-perception of airflow obstruction in older adults with asthma. Psychosomatic Medicine, 83, 787-794, 2021.
Mammen, J.R., Schoonmaker, J.D., Java, J., Halterman, J., Berliant, M.N., Crowley, A., Reznik, M., Feldman, J.M., Fortuna, R.J., Frey, S.M., Turgeon, K., Philibert, A., & Arcoleo, K. Going mobile with primary care: smart phone鈥搕elemedicine for asthma management in young urban adults (TEAMS). Journal of asthma, 59, 132-144, 2022.
Becker, J.H., Feldman, J.M., Arora, A., Busse P.J., Wisnivesky, J.P., & Federman, A.D. Cognition, symptom perception, and medication non-adherence in older adults with asthma. Journal of Asthma, 59, 607-615, 2022.
Kaur, K.*, Arcoleo, K.J., Serebrisky, D., Rastogi, D., Marsiglia, F.F. Feldman, J.M. Impact of caregiver depression on child asthma outcomes in Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. Journal of Asthma, 59, 2246-2257, 2022.
Feldman, J.M., Serebrisky, D., Starr, S.*, Casta帽o, K.*, Greenfield, N*., Silverstein, G.*, Fruchter, N*., Mammen, J., McGovern, C., & Arcoleo, K. Reduced asthma morbidity during COVID-19 in minority children: Is medication adherence a reason? Journal of Asthma, 60, 468-478, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1080/02770903.2022.2059510
Schulte, E.E., Alderman, E., Feldman, J., Hametz, P., Havranek, T., Kaskel, F.J., Levy, A., Manwani, D., Stein, R.E. Using the 鈥淐oach Approach鈥: A novel peer mentorship program for pediatric faculty. Academic Pediatrics, 22, 1257-1259, 2022.
Silverstein, G.D.*, Styke, S.C.*, Kaur, S., Singh, A., Jariwala, S.P., Feldman. J.M. The relationship between depressive Symptoms, eHealth Literacy, and asthma outcomes in the context of a mobile health intervention. Psychosomatic Medicine, 85, 605-611, 2023. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000001170
Feldman, J.M., Ankam, J., Barry, M., Fruchter, N.*, Becker, J., Jariwala, S., Shim, C., Wisnivesky, J.P., & Federman, A.D. A pilot randomized controlled trial of an intervention to improve perception of lung function in older adults with asthma. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 207, 487-490, 2023. ;
Holtzer, R., Feldman, J.M., Jariwala, S.P., & Izzetoglu, M. Asthma history influences gait performance and associated prefrontal cortex activation patterns in older adults. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 35, 407-411, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s40520-022-02306-6
Starr, S.*, Wysocki, M.*, DeLeon, J.D.* Silverstein, G.*, Arcoleo, K., Rastogi, D., & Feldman, J.M. Obesity-related pediatric asthma: Relationships between pulmonary function and clinical outcomes. Journal of Asthma, 60, 1418-1427, 2023. doi: 10.1080/02770903.2022.2152351
Chan, A., Kodali, S., Lee, G.Y., Gadhave, S., Feldman, J.M., Arora, S., Pawar, S., Gadkari, R., Bargaje, M., Salvi, S., & Jariwala, S.P. Evaluating the Effect and User Satisfaction of An Adapted and Translated Mobile Health Application ASTHMAXcel Among Adults with Asthma in Pune, India. Journal of Asthma, 60, 1513-1523, 2023. doi: 10.1080/02770903.2022.2155188
Vlemincx, E., Arcoleo, K.J., Babb, T.G., Davenport, P.W., Feldman, J.M., Marshall, G.D., Ramirez, J.M., Ritz, T., Troosters, T., Van den Bergh, O., von Leupoldt, A., & Participants of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology (ISARP). Respiratory psychophysiology and COVID-19: A research agenda. Biological Psychology, in press. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2022.108473.
Lane, S., Fitzsimmons, E., Zelefsky, A., Klein, J., Kaur, S., Shankar, V., Garg, M., Feldman, J.M. & Jariwala, S.P. Assessing digital health literacy among a diverse population at an urban academic hospital. Applied Clinical Informatics, 14, 365-373, 2023. doi: 10.1055/a-2041-4500.
Silverstein, G.D.*, Arcoleo, K., Rastogi, D., Serebrisky, D., Warman, K., & Feldman, J.M. The relationship between pediatric attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and asthma management. Journal of Adolescent Health, 73, 813-819, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2023.02.028
Greenfield, N.*, Becker, J., Jariwala, S., Wisnivesky, J., Federman, A., & Feldman, J.M. The relationship between social support, self-efficacy, and asthma outcomes in older adults. Journal of Asthma, 60, 1853-1861, 2023. doi:10.1080/02770903.2023.2196560
Feldman, J.M., Arcoleo, K., Greenfield, N.*, Styke, S.*, Becker, J., Jariwala, S., Federman, A.D., Wisnivesky, J.P. Under-perception of airflow limitation, self-efficacy, and beliefs in older adults with asthma. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, in press.
Wisnivesky, J.P., Agrawal, N., Ankam J., Gonzalez, A., Busse, P., Lin, J., Federman, A., Feldman, J., Weiss, J.J., & Markowitz, S.B., World Trade Center workers with asthma and PTSD more accurately perceive airflow limitation. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology,132, 62-68, 2024. doi: 10.1016/j.anai.2023.08.005
Fruchter, N., Arcoleo, K., Rastogi, D., Denise, S., Warman, K., & Feldman, J.M. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms, under-perception of respiratory compromise, and illness representations in Black and Latino children with asthma. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 48, 896-906, 2023. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsad062
Wedel, N., Zinger, N., Singh, A.K., Kaur, S. Njeze, O., Cosar, E., Mowrey, W., Green, S., Reznik, M., Feldman, J.M., Su, Z., Ansari, A., Elrington, C., Mathur, M., Zheng, K., Jariwala, S.P. ASTHMAXcel PRO patient satisfaction and usability field testing. Journal of Asthma, in press.
Resnick campus - Rousso Building #222
Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology
1165 Morris Park Avenue
Rousso Building
Bronx, NY 10461