ࡱ> ceb oAbjbjoo 2o  3 _____ssss8<Dsf++++++++RTTTTTTu #rTu_++++/Tw__++www3T_+_+Rw+Rww__Ups<0#w#w_+++ %:    Curriculum VitaePRIVATE  Personal Data: Name: Raji Viswanathan Address: Department of Chemistry Yeshiva College 500 West 185th street NY, NY 10033 Phone: (212)960-5443 e-mail: raji@yu.edu Education: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK-74078, Ph.D., December 1981; Field: Physical Chemistry, Grade point average: 4.0/4.0. University of Madras, Madras, India, M.S., June 1978; Field: Chemistry, Grade point average: 5.88/6.00, Awards: Gold medal for meritorious performance. University of Madras, Madras, India, B.S., June 1976; Field: Chemistry. Awards: Gold medal and merit scholarship for graduate studies. Research Fall 2002 present: Nature of Hydrogen Bonding in Models of Anti-parallel Experience: -Sheets; Chemical Dynamics of Gas Phase Reactions of Importance in the Upper Atmosphere; Solvent Effects on the Spectroscopy of Metal Complexes; Stability of adsorbed peptides on hydroxyapatite surfaces. 1992  2002: Investigation of the structure and melting transitions of gas phase molecular clusters, Binding of Metal Ions to Organic Ligands, Excited electronic states of ethylene, Theoretical calculation of Resonance Raman Intensities, Yeshiva College. January 1998 June 1998: Theoretical calculation of Resonance Raman Intensities Visiting Scholar, Columbia University, 1987 -1989: Research Associate with Professor Herschel Rabitz, Princeton University. 1985-1986: Research Associate Professor Marc Robert, Rice University. 1982-1984: Research Associate with Professor L.M. Raff and Professor D.L. Thompson, Oklahoma State University,. Research PRF Summer Research Fellow, Visiting Scientist, Hunter College, CUNY, Awards: October 2002 June 2003. Nature of hydrogen bonding in polypeptides. Collaboration with Professor J.J. Dannenberg. NSF Summer Fellow, RSEC Program, Chemical Dynamics of OH+O Reaction, Collaboration with ProfessorR.J. Hinde, University of Knoxville, TN, summer 2003. NSF Symposium Participant Theory and Computation in Molecular Biological Physics, August 9 -20, 2004. Research Research Corporation Structure and Properties of gas-phase Molecular Clusters, Grants: 1994 1995. NSF ILI Introduction of Computational Methods across the Undergraduate Curriculum, 1998 2000. Teaching Professor of Chemistry, Yeshiva College, 2008 Present. Experience: Associate Professor of Chemistry, Yeshiva College, 1997-2008. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Yeshiva College, 1991- 1997. Visiting Assistant Professor, Barnard College, Columbia University, 1989-1990. Graduate teaching assistant, Oklahoma State University, 1979-1981. Teaching responsibilities included undergraduate general chemistry, physical chemistry, advanced physical chemistry laboratory, molecular modeling and reaction dynamics, analytical chemistry including instrumental analysis, and inorganic chemistry. Curricular Computerized the general chemistry laboratory course; developed an undergraduate Innovation: analytical chemistry course with emphasis on qualitative and quantitative analysis using modern instrumental methods, and applications to systems of biological interest; developed an Honors course in Molecular Modeling that is offered at Yeshiva College for undergraduates since Fall 1999; developed an Honors Freshman Chemistry course including laboratories, with emphasis on active learning and real-world context, that is offered at Yeshiva College since Fall 2002. Computer Numerical methods for solving differential equations, curve fitting, differentiation, Experience: and integration, classical trajectory calculations, Monte Carlo methods, free energy perturbations calculations, linear response relationships, quantitative structure-activity relationships, and quantum mechanical elastic scattering calculations. Software used: Gaussian-03 and GAMESS (for ab initio calculations), Spartan Plus, CAChe (for molecular mechanics and semi-empirical calculations), IMPACT (simulation of solvent effects), BOSS (free enrgy perturbation, linear response calculations). OS Used: UNIX, Windows-95, Windows-NT. Programming Languages: Fortran. Service to the College/University: Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Yeshiva College, 2009 Present. Co-Chair, Curriculum Review, Overall Shape of the Curriculum Taskforce, Spring 2007 Present. Chair, Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, ÿմ, Fall 2004 Fall 2006. Chair, 1998 Present, Department of Chemistry, Yeshiva College Co-Chairman - Middle States Self-Study Steering Committee, Fall 1999 2002 Faculty Advisor, 1994-Present, YC Chemistry Club Faculty coordinator, 2005 Present, Academic Advising Center Member, 1994 - present, Roth Scholars Selection Committee Member, 1999-present, Curriculum Committee Member, 2006 present, Honors Program Committee Member, 2004 present, Soloveitchik Awards Committee Chair, Faculty Search committee, Chemistry Department, Spring 2007. Chair, 2001 - 2002, Organic chemistry faculty search committee Chair, 2004-2005, Faculty Search Committee, Chemistry Department Member, 1994 - 1995, Organic chemistry faculty search committee Faculty Senator, 1992 - 1998, YC Student Senate Member, 2003 2004, Distinguished Scholars Committee Member, 2006-2007, Physics Faculty Search Committee Member, 1999 - 2000, Physics Faculty Search Committee Member, 1999-present, ÿմ Computational Sciences Workgroup Member, 2000 2002, ÿմ computational science Chair Search Committee Service to Profession: Secretary, Hudson-Bergen Chapter of the American Chemical Society, 1992 1997. Memberships: Member of Phi Lambda Upsilon, a National Honorary Chemical Society. Secretary, Hudson Bergen Chemical Society, 1993-1995. Honors and Awards: Member of Phi Kappa Phi, A National Honor Society. Nominated by students to be a member of Who's Who Among America's Teachers, Feb. 1994, and Feb. 1998. PublicationsPRIVATE  1."Comparison of modified infiniteorder sudden theory with experimentally measured statetostate cross sections for R>T energy transfer in AR+HF," P.M. Agrawal, R. Viswanathan, and L.M. Raff, J.Chem.Phys. 75, 3860 (1981). 2. "Perturbation wave packet studies of vibrational predissociation in collinear XBC van der Waals complexes: He..I2(B3)," R. Viswanathan, L.M. Raff, and D.L. Thompson, J.Chem.Phys. 77, 3939 (1982). 3."Theoretical studies of van der Waals dimer depletion mechanisms in free jet expansions: The Ar2+X(X=CO2,CO,N2) systems," R. Viswanathan, D.L. Thompson and L.M. Raff, J.Chem.Phys. 79, 2857 (1983). 4."Theoretical investigations of the reaction dynamics of polyatomic gas-phase systems: The O3+NO Reaction," R. Viswanathan and L.M. Raff, J.Phys.Chem. 87, 3251 (1983). 5. "Rate calculations from timedependent wavepacket methods: The relationship of the pure state and canonical total reaction probability," N.C. Agrawal, P.M. Agrawal, R. Viswanathan, and L.M. Raff, J.Chem.Phys. 80, 760 (1984). 6. "Theoretical investigation of elementary processes in the chemical vapor deposition of Si from silane: Unimolecular decomposition of SiH4," R.Viswanathan, D.L. Thompson and L.M. Raff, J.Chem.Phys. 80, 4230 (1984) 7."Unimolecular dissociation of methane: A trajectory study using Metropolis sampling," L.M. Raff, R.Viswanathan, and D.L. Thompson, J.Chem.Phys. 80, 6141 (1984). 8."Monte Carlo Transition State Theory: XH4 > XH3+H(X=C,Si)," R.Viswanathan, L.M. Raff, and D.L. Thompson, J.Chem.Phys. 81, 828 (1984). 9. "Monte Carlo random walk calculations of unimolecular dissociation of methane," R.Viswanathan, L.M. Raff, and D.L. Thompson, J.Chem.Phys. 81, 3118 (1984). 10."Monte Carlo transitionstate study of angular momentum effects on the unimolecular dissociation of methane on the DuchovicHaseSchelegel ab initio surface," R.Viswanathan, L.M. Raff, and D.L. Thompson, J.Chem.Phys. 82, 3083 (1985). 11."A valence bond potentialenergy surface for silylene dissociation," R.Viswanathan, D.L. Thompson and L.M. Raff, J.Chem.Phys. 89, 1428 (1986). 12. "Dynamics of unimolecular dissociation of silylene," I. Noorbatcha, L.M. Raff, D.L. Thompson, and R. Viswanathan, J.Chem.Phys. 84, 4341 (1986). 13. "On the universality of the bridge function in simple classical fluids," M. Robert and R. Viswanathan, J.Chem.Phys. 85, 6068 (1986). 14. "Distribution functions of a onedimensional phase equilibrium with an interface,"M. Robert and R. Viswanathan, J.Chem.Phys. 86, 4657 (1986). 15. "On the density expansion of the pair distribution function of non uniform fluids," M. Robert, J.F. Jeng,and R. Viswanathan, J.Chem.Phys. 88, 1983 (1987). 16. "Calculation of scattering wavefunctions by a numerical numerical procedure based on the Moller wave operator," R. Viswanathan, S. Shi, E. Vilallonga, and H. Rabitz, J.Chem.Phys. 91, 2333 (1989). 17. "Sensitivity of elastic gassurface scattering to the potential: A functional sensitivity approach based on wavepacket dynamics," R. Viswanathan, S. Shi, E. Vilallonga, and H. Rabitz, J.Chem.Phys. 92, 3170 (1990). 18. "Sensitivity analysis of the potential for elastic gassurface scattering from surface defects," R. Viswanathan, S. Shi, E. Vilallonga and H. Rabitz, Surface Science 271, 217 (1992). 19. "Study of Molecular Clusters in Undergraduate Physical Chemistry," D. Kahn and R. Viswanathan, J. Chem. Educ., 1997, 74(8), 982. 20. "Integration of computers in he first-year chemistry laboratory: Appliction of Raoult's law to a two-component system," R. Viswanathan and G. Horowitz, J. Chem. Educ., 1998, 75(9), 1124. 21. Investigation of Resonantly Selected Raman Spectra of Intermediates in organic Pyrolysis Reactions, H. Matsui, N. Kobko, J.J. Dannenberg, S.H. Jonas, R. Viswanathan, J. Raman Spectroscopy, 2002, 33, 443. 22.  Cooperative Hydrogen Bonding in Models of Anti-parallel  Sheets, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2004, 108, 9205-9212. 23.  A Quasiclassical Trajectory Study of the Vibrational Quenching of Hydroxyl Radicals through Collision with O Atoms, R. Viswanathan, M. Dolgos, R.J.Hinde, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2007, 111, 783. 24. Through Hydrogen-Bond Vibrational Coupling in Hydrogen-Bonding Chains of 4-Pyridones with Implications for Peptide Amide I Absorptions: Density Functional Theory Compared with Transition Dipole Coupling, Y.Chen, R. Viswanathan, J.J. Dannenberg, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, 111, 8329. 25. A DFT Study of Vibrational Coupling in the Amide I Band of -Sheet Models, R. Vswanathan, J.J. Dannenberg, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008; 112(16); 5199-5208. 26..  Effect of Solvent Environment on the CO Band Position in the Infrared Spectroscopy of [Fe(CN)4(CO)2]2-, R. Viswanathan, A. Etra, J. Jiang, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2009, 362(8), 2728 2734. 27. Hydroxyapatite Growth Inhibition by Osteopontin Hexapeptide Sequences, L. Silverman, M. Saadia, J. Ishal, N. Tishbi, E. Leiderman, I.Kuyunov, B. Recca, C. Reitblat, R. Vswanathan, Langmuir, submitted, Jaauary 2010. Oral/poster Presentations with published abstracts: Undergraduate authors are listed in Boldface. 1. "Equilibrium properties of gas-phase molecular clusters", I. Graf, G. Berger, Y. Crystal, and R. Viswanathan, 43rd Annual undergraduate research symposium, NY section, ACS, May 1995. 2. "Binding energy of molecular clusters by the molecular mechanics method", D. Kahn and R. Viswanathan, 43rd Annual undergraduate research symposium, NY section, ACS, May 1995. 3. "Monte Carlo simulation of (H2O)n clusters, n=2-20: Melting transitions and density profiles", Y. Crystal and R. Viswanathan, ACS national meeting, Orlando, FL, August, 1996. "Undergraduate Course in Molecular Modeling," R. Viswanathan, American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, March, 2000. " Theoretical Study of the Binding of Metal Ions to Ligands," J. Klein, R. Viswanathan, I.J. Borowitz, and G. Borowitz, American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, March, 2000. A Density Functional Theory Study of the H-Bonding in Beta-Sheet Peptide Models, R. Viswanathan, A. Asensio, J.J. Dannenberg, 226th ACS National Meeting, September 7, 2003. 7. Quasiclassical Trajectory Studies of Mesospheric O+OH(v) Collisions, R.J.Hinde, M.R.Dolgos, and R. Viswanathan, 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphis, PA, August 2004. 8. Vibrational Relaxation of Hydroxyl Radicals in the Mesosphere, R. Viswanathan, Gordon Research Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer, Santa Ynez Valley, CA, January 2005. 9.  A DFT Study of Vibrational Coupling in the Amide I Band of -Sheet Models, R. Viswanathan, Gordon Research Conference on Vibrational Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Biddeford, ME, July 2006. 10.  Quasiclassical Trajectory Study of the Vibrational Quenching of Hydroxyl Radicals Through Collision with O Atoms, R. Viswanathan, M.R.Dolgos, and R.J. Hinde, 232nd ACS National meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 2006. 11. Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on the IR Spectrum of [Fe(CN)4(CO)2]2- Complex, A. Etra, J. Katz, R. Viswanathan, J. Jiang, 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 2006.   17NX A H z  4 U [ v }  6thRh4 5@OJQJh4 OJQJ\hMh4 @OJQJh4 >*@OJQJh4 @H*OJQJh4 6@OJQJh4 @OJQJ$jh4 5@OJQJUh4 5@OJQJ!jh4 5@OJQJUh4 5@OJQJ,)Nrz  g   0`*$^``gd4  0*$gd4  0*$ 0*$^ 0p*$^p` 0`*$^`` H*$ $LP`c057 0`*$^`` 0`*$^``gd4  0*$^gd4  0`*$^``gd4 6IuD^ckn2C5?Vax!ާ铌 h4 5\h4 h4 56@OJQJ\]hRh4 6@OJQJhRh4 5@OJQJh1k{h4 5@OJQJ\h4 5@OJQJh4 6@OJQJh4 @OJQJh4 5@OJQJ\7V2w{vx:\_gd4 ^gd4 gd4  0`*$^``gd4  0*$ 0`*$^`` 0*$gd4  0*$^gd4 '<S\_5 B 8!\!v!w!x!!!!!·œ··‹vdWF!jTh4 @OJQJUh4 @CJOJQJ"jh4 @CJOJQJUh4 5@CJOJQJh4 OJQJh4 hR\,h4 @OJQJh)h4 @OJQJh{h4 5@OJQJh4 5@OJQJh4 @OJQJh4 56OJQJ]h4 OJQJ\ h4 \h4 @OJQJ\h4 56@OJQJ]_*N+c-oG5  0`*$^``gd4 0*$gd4 5 6 D !v!x!!r":#$$%f& ''2()) *$gd4 $ *$a$gd4  0*$ 0`*$^`` 0p*$^p`!!!5"D"T"_"""""#'###########^$_$n$|$$$R%a%q%|%&&&+&I&T&&&&&4'5'<'='J'X'w''''(((((() )g)u)))*&*'*2*****ططططططططh4 @H*OJQJh4 >*@OJQJh4 6@OJQJh4 @OJQJh4 @CJOJQJ"jh4 @CJOJQJUH)E**`++,---_../0123D5i6F7G7H77e899 0*$gd4 h*$gd4 *$gd4 *2+@+++++s,,,,M-\---..=.L...`/o/0000344555"5@5D5J566 6 6 66h6E7F7ȳȦȍȍȁthvh4 @OJQJhvh4 H*OJQJhvh4 H*OJQJhvh4 0J$OJQJhvh4 0J#OJQJhvh4 0J"OJQJh4 OJQJhvh4 OJQJh4 6@OJQJ]h4 >*@OJQJh4 6@OJQJh4 @OJQJ-F7G7H7778 8888887989:9;9y9999::;;5<7< ="=>v?z?d@f@@@@@@@@{{rh4 H*OJQJh4 H*OJQJh? h4 H*OJQJh4 OJQJhL"h4 @OJQJhh4 @H*OJQJhR\,h4 @H*OJQJh4 @H*OJQJh4 6@OJQJhWh4 5@OJQJ\h4 5@OJQJh4 @OJQJh4 '9O:;;m< =z?@]A^A_AaAbAdAeAfAgAiAjAlAmAd 0*$gd4 *$gd4  & F *$^`gd4 $ & F *$^`a$gd4 @A!A#A\A]A^A_A`AbAcAnAoAŽϽjh4 Uh4 @OJQJh4 h? h4 OJQJh? h4 H*OJQJh4 OJQJhWh4 5OJQJ\ mAnAoA 0*$0....()()))()()00P8$BP/ =!"#$%TD phoenix TD phoenix%666666666vvvvvvvvv66666686666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH L`L Normal1$CJOJQJ_HhmH sH tH f@f  Heading 1)$ 0`*$@&^``5@OJQJDA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 4+4  Endnote Text>*@> Endnote ReferenceH*6@6  Footnote Text@&@!@ Footnote ReferenceH*NN TOC 1) $ 0*$]^`0JJ TOC 2% $ 0*$]^`0JJ TOC 3% $ p0*$]^p`0JJ TOC 4% $ @ 0*$]^@ `0JJ TOC 5% $ 0*$]^`0BB TOC 6 $0*$^`0:: TOC 70*$^`0BB TOC 8 $0*$^`0BB TOC 9 $ 0*$^`0N N Index 1% $ `*$]^``N N Index 2% $ 0*$]^`0>.>  TOA Heading *$ $*"* Caption:/: _Equation CaptionHH .= Balloon Text!CJOJQJ^JaJ(o!( Vtextbold.o1. 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