ࡱ> Z\Y iDbjbjVV .\<<i<]]]]]qqqq$<qzjllllllA!dl]l]]]]jj0_I|qRV0G"TG"G"]tllG" #: Curriculum VitaePRIVATE  Joseph E. Luders ÿմ Stern College for Women 245 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10016 (212) 340-7849 luders@yu.edu Education: Ph.D., Political Science, Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, New School for Social Research, January, 2000. Thesis title: The Politics of Exclusion: The Political Economy of Civil Rights in the American South, 1954-65. Ph.D. major field examination in American politics completed with honors (Spring 1993). Ph.D. minor field examination completed (Fall 1993). M.A., Political Science, New School for Social Research, Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, 1993. M.A. thesis: Collective Action and Political Economy: The Prohibition Movement in the United States, 1869-1919. B.A., The Evergreen State College, 1988. Honors and Awards: Senior Class Professor (Secular Studies). Selected by the Senior Class of 2010. Paper nomination for the Lucius Barker Award (best paper investigating race or ethnicity and politics) presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April, 2007. States, Parties, and Social Movements selected as Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2004 (top ten percent across all academic disciplines). Senior Class Professor (Secular Studies). Selected by the Senior Class of 2005. Dean Karen Bacon Award for an Outstanding Junior Faculty Member, May, 2004. Nomination for Best Paper (Pi Sigma Alpha Award) presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April, 2004. Hannah Arendt Memorial Award (Dissertation Prize), 1999. Mellon Fellow, Special Project on Contentious Politics, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, 1995-98. Janeway Dissertation Fellowship, 1996-97. National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Award, 1995-96 (#SBE-9521536). Janeway Dissertation Fellowship, 1995-96. Eugene Lang College Teaching Internship, 1995-1996. Everett Dissertation Fellowship, 1994-95. New School Scholarship, 1994-95. New School Scholarship, 1993-94. Eugene Lang College Tutorial, 1992-1993. Department Research Assistantship, 1992-93; 1993-94; 1994-95. Janeway Fellow, 1991-1992. Dean's Fellowship at the New School for Social Research, 1989-1992 (three years full tuition). Regional Nominee for Rhodes Scholarship, 1989. Academic positions: Fall 2010 Present. Department Chair. Department of Political Science; Department of Sociology, ÿմ. Fall 2009 Present. Associate Professor. David and Ruth Gottesman Professor of Political Science. Fall 2003 Spring 2009. Assistant Professor, David and Ruth Gottesman Professor of Political Science, ÿմ, New York. Fall 2002 Spring 2003, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, ÿմ, New York. (Courses: see above.) Fall 1999 Spring 2002, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Studies, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY. Publications: Book review. Christopher S. Parker. 2009. Fighting for Democracy: Black Veterans and the Struggle against White Supremacy in the Postwar South. Princeton University Press. Perspectives on Politics 8 (2010): 1199-1200. The Civil Rights Movement and the Logic of Social Change. Cambridge University Press (January 2010). Book review. Edwin Amenta. 2006. When Movements Matter: The Townsend Plan and the Rise of Social Security. Princeton University Press and Frances Fox Piven, Challenging Authority: How Ordinary People Change America. 2006. Rowman and Littlefield. Perspectives on Politics (2007), 5: 623-625. Book review. Michael Janeway. 2006. The Fall of the House of Roosevelt: Brokers of Ideas and Power from FDR to LBJ. Columbia University Press. Presidential Studies Quarterly 36 (2006): 130-132. Joseph E. Luders. 2006. The Economics of Success: Business Responses to Civil Rights Mobilization. American Journal of Sociology 111 (4): 963-998. Joseph E. Luders. 2005. Civil Rights Success and the Politics of Racial Violence, Polity 37 (1): 108-129. Joseph E. Luders. 2003. Countermovements, the State, and the Intensity of Racial Contention in the American South, in Jack Goldstone, ed., States, Parties, and Social Movements: Protest and the Dynamics of Institutional Change, (Cambridge University Press), 27-44. Book Review. Suzanne Mettler. 1998. Dividing Citizens: Gender and Federalism in New Deal Public Policy. Cornell University Press. International Labor and Working-Class History Journal, No. 61 (Spring 2001). Conference participation: Spring 2009 (January). Paper Presentation. The Economics of White Backlash in the Civil Rights Era South: The Case of Mississippi Freedom Summer. Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association (New Orleans, LA; January 8-11). Spring 2009 (January). Discussant. Historical Approaches to the Study of Southern Politics. Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association (New Orleans, LA; January 8-11). Spring 2008 (April). Paper presentation. Civil Rights and the Logic of Political Change. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (Chicago, IL; April 3-6). Spring 2007 (April). Chair and discussant. Structural Inequality and American Political Development. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (Chicago, IL; April 3-6). Fall 2007 (September). Paper presentation. Who Wins, Who Loses?: A Comparative Analysis of Environmental, Feminist, and Gay Rights Movement Outcomes. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Chicago, IL; August 30-September 2). Spring 2007 (April). Paper presentation. Social Movements and Political Success: Civil Rights Outcomes in Public School Desegregation and Voting Rights, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (Chicago, IL; April 12-15). Spring 2007 (April). Chair and discussant. Civil Rights: Yesterday and Today. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (Chicago, IL; April 12-15). Spring 2006 (April). Paper presentation. Rising Political Inequality?: A Preliminary Survey of the Evidence, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (Chicago, IL; April 20-23). Spring 2006 (April). Chair and discussant. Repression, Predation, and Regulatory Origins, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (Chicago, IL; ). (Chicago, IL; April 20-23) Fall 2005 (September). Panel organizer and chair. The Upstairs Downstairs of Liberalization: Social Movements and Business in Political Transitions. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Washington, D.C.; September 1-4). Fall 2005 (September). Paper presentation. Protest and Profits: A Sectoral Analysis of Social Movement Impact on Business Support for Democratic Transition, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Washington, D.C.; September 1-4). Spring 2004 (April) Panel chair. Author Meets Critics, Daniel Tichenor, Dividing Lines: The Politics of Immigration Control in America, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (Chicago). Spring 2004 (April) Paper presentation. The Economics of Success: Business Responses to the Civil Rights Movement, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (Chicago, Illinois). Spring 2004 (April) Panel Chair and Discussant. Institutional Transformation: The 19th Century United States, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (Chicago, Illinois). Fall 2003 (August) Paper presentation. Civil Rights Success and the Politics of Racial Violence, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Fall 2001 (September) Paper presentation. A Past that Never Dies: The Southern Political Economy and the Development of American Social Policy. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA. Spring 2001 (March) Paper presentation. The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission: The Best Enemy the Civil Rights Movement Ever Had? Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Las Vegas, Nevada. Fall 2000 (November) - Roundtable organizer and panel participant, Historical-Institutionalist Perspectives on Contemporary American Politics, Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Pittsburgh, PA. Fall 2000 (August) - Panel Chair, Citizenship, Politics, and Policy in the Postwar United States, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C. Fall 1999 (October) Paper presentation. Counter-Movements and the State, Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Fort Worth, Texas. Fall 1999 (September) Paper presentation. States and Strife: Political Responses to Anti-Civil Rights Mobilization, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, Georgia. Fall 1997 (November) Paper presentation. Redistributive Policy and the Dangers of Devolution, Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA. Fall 1997 Paper presentation. The Political Economy of Rights in the American South, 1954-65, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Sheraton Washington Hotel, Washington, D.C. Fall 1996 (August-September) - Panel Discussant, Citizenship and Incorporation, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Hilton and Towers, San Francisco, CA. Fall 1995 (November) Paper presentation. Race, Rights, and Reaction: Civil Rights Contention in the Urban U.S. South, 1960-65," Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Palmer House, Chicago, IL. Fall 1995 (November) Paper presentation. Collective Action and Reaction: The Civil Rights Movement and Political Violence in the U.S. South, 1960-65, Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, Gateway Hilton, Newark, NJ. Spring 1995 (April ) Paper presentation. Repertoires of Resistance: Opposition to Rights Expansion in the Deep South, Annual Meeting of the New York State Political Science Association, John Jay College, New York, NY. Fall 1994 (November) Paper presentation. The Politics of Inclusion: Patterns of Contention in the Postwar American South, Annual meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, Providence, R.I. Spring 1994 (April) Paper presentation. American Political Development and the Politics of Hatred, Annual meeting of the New York State Political Science Association, Albany, New York. Other presentations. Fall 2000 (November) - Roundtable panel participant. The Supreme Court and the Presidential Election, Bard College. Fall 2000 (October) - Roundtable panel participant, Senator Lieberman and the Debate over Religion and Politics, Bard College. Spring 2000 - Oral testimony before Dutchess County Special Legislative Committee on Student Voting, Bard College. Spring 2000 - Roundtable panel participant. "Race and Justice: The Case of Amadou Diallo, Bard College. Fall 1997 Paper presentation. The Dynamics of Racial Violence, Center for Studies of Social Change, New School for Social Research. Spring 1995 Paper presentation. Southern Fury: White Opposition to the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer, Annual conference of the Historical Studies Department, New School for Social Research. Fall 1994 Paper presentation. The Contours of Liberal Politics, at the Political Science and Committee for Western European Studies annual conference, New School for Social Research. Spring 1993 - Discussant of Perry Chang, The Rise and Fall of the Abortion Policy Debate, at the Sociology Colloquium, New School for Social Research. Fall 1992 Paper presentation. Political Economy and Collective Action: The American Prohibition Movement, 1869-1919, Politics, Power, and Protest research seminar at New York University. Fall 1991 Presentation. Anxious Liberalism: The Masses and Morality in David Riesmans The Lonely Crowd. Workshop on Post-War Liberalism (Ira Katzelson and Ari Zolberg), New School for Social Research. Teaching experience: ÿմ (Fall 2002 present): Contested Ideals in American Political Thought; Fundamentals of Political Science; Dynamics of American Politics; Democracy; Democracy and Inequality; Happiness: The Politics of the Good Life (Honors); Political Psychology (Honors); Power and Public Policy; Proseminar on American Politics; Race and Religion in American Politics; The Rise of the Modern American Presidency; Social Movements and Political Change. Bard College (Fall 1999 Spring 2002): Contested Ideals in American Political Thought; Equality in American Political Development; First Year Seminar: War and Peace; Institutions, Processes, and Politics in American Government; The Rise and Decline of the Modern American Presidency; Social Movements and Political Change: Race, Class, and Gender; States and Markets. Professional Service. Manuscript reviews for American Journal of Sociology; American Sociological Review; Business and Society; Journal of Policy History; Mobilization, Social Problems. Institutional Service. Chair, Committee on Academic Standards (2009-2010); university sexual harassment officer (institutional contact for complainants at Stern College); Member of Stern College Strategic Curriculum Review Committee (2006 to 2009). Member of Academic Standards Committee (Fall 2002- present); Grading Inflation Task Force (2009). Faculty sponsor of the Political Engagement Project for the Holocaust Education Assistance Act (Spring 2007). Search committee chair or member, Department of Political Science, 2003-2007 (active participation in seven searches since 2003). Organizer and coordinator, Stern College Women in Public and International Affairs Fellowship program (2003-present). Co-organizer Women in Public and International Affairs Lecture Series (which included Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, Rachel Bronson of the Council on Foreign Relations, and several others). Co-organizer Hollywood Goes to the Polls fall film series (three events at Stern College). Participant and organizer, Election 2004 Roundtable (Stern College, October 2004). Political Science Shabbaton participant (2003 to present). Drafted Handbook for Political Science Majors and Minors. Faculty representative on Student Senate (Spring 2003). Faculty representative for Political Science at annual SCW Open House (2002, 2003, 2004, 2006). Board member of the Schneier Center for International Affairs (May 2004 Spring 2008). Member of the ÿմ Today advisory board. Participant in Stern College ad hoc committee to upgrade college website (Summer 2004). Participant in faculty focus group on the ÿմ mission and message. Organizer: Campaign 2000 Speaker Series. Participant in graduate school panel (Fall 2000). Organized visits to Bard College by U.S. House Representative Maurice Hinchey, State Senator Stephen Saland, and Bradley Usher, Assistant to State Senator Thomas Duane (Spring 2000). Conducted a forum on attending graduate school (Spring 2000). Participated in a pre-law roundtable (Fall 1999). Coordinated student initiatives to obtain voting rights in Dutchess County; supervised Students Against Bias Crimes (which pushed successfully for the enactment of a state hate crimes law). ) * ; N _ ` A 8KMt-4?IgeŽܹܱʼn܂ hvR6] hb\ hb\] hih:hR h:6hih:6h:hbh,:h0QhvR6\] hvR\hOm hvRCJhvROJQJhvRjhvRU hvRjhvRU hvR53./BZo( ) * +    00*$]^`0 0*$ H*$ $ 0*$a$ $ H*$a$ : ; N ` A R\'P78LM $$ 0*$ 0*$'(56 xy 0*$gd: 0*$ $$ 0*$e   DHeysXtûͻqcqhMcCJOJQJ^JaJh|-ICJOJQJ^JaJh^kCJOJQJ^JaJ h^kh^kCJOJQJ^JaJhvR5OJQJhvR6OJQJhvR6OJQJ]hvROJQJ hvR] hvR6 hvR5 hvR\] hR\]hvR6\] hvR\hvRB*ph hvR6]hvR%>?^ _ !#!$!""####$ 0H1$gd^k,)X!""#h##%%+%}%+m11117)7777888899k9m9::úçççÜÓÉÅ~Åytokkkoghf[.hb hvR\ hvR5 hvR6 hvR5\hvRhvRCJOJQJhvRH*OJQJhvR6OJQJ]%hvR0J5B*OJQJ\aJphhvROJQJhhvROJQJh^kOJQJ h^kh|-ICJOJQJ^JaJhMcCJOJQJ^JaJhbCJOJQJ^JaJ'$$|%}%<&=&#'$'''(())&*'***++t,u,+-,-.... 0*$ $$ 0*$.//00l1m11111{2|222Z3[33344d5e555667$ 0*$ 0*$7777l9m9::;;gDhDiD$ 0*$ ::::: ;);+;G;I;];_;q;x;z;;;;;;;;;F<<<<<<]AeAfDgDiDĿ񷯷񫧫񧫠hWP hvR6]hohvRh2>h2>5h2>hm hm6h,:hf[.6h,:h,:h,:6 h,:6h~?h~?h~?6hf[.hf[.6hf[. hvR5 h2>5!,1h/ =!"T#$% TD phoenix^ 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontViV 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k ( 0No List R+@R  Endnote Text 0*$1$OJQJaJhfT@f  Block Text+ 00*$1$]^`0 CJaJhHBH  Body Text 0*$1$ CJaJh*W@!* Strong5\>2>  Footnote TextCJaJ.XA. 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