ࡱ> NPM 1rTbjbjff =X )%tt8%4Y\R0",8`9  gw^"0R&APRt+ :    JESS OLSON Associate Professor of Jewish History ÿմ, New York olson@yu.edu ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Current Position (2007 - Present): Associate Professor of Jewish History, Jewish History Department,ÿմ 2010-2011: Yad Hanadiv-Beracha Foundation Fellow, Jerusalem 2006-2007 Visiting Fellow, Taube Center for Jewish Studies Stanford University 2005-2006: Hazel D. Cole Fellow in Jewish Studies University of Washington, Jackson School of International Studies Seattle, Washington EDUCATION Ph.D. Stanford University, History, 2006 (modern European and Jewish history) Graduate Diploma Oxford University, Jewish Studies, 1999 (with distinction) B.A. University of Washington, History, Comparative History of Ideas, 1998 (magna cum laude) OTHER EDUCATION 2014-Present: Scholar/Clinical Candidate, New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, Candidate member, American Psychoanalytic Association MAJOR PUBLICATIONS Nathan Birnbaum and Jewish Modernity: Architect of Zionism, Yiddishism and Orthodoxy (Stanford University Press, 2013) (Book) Orthodoxy and Ultra-Orthodoxy as Forces in Modern Jewish Life, The Cambridge History of Judaism, Vol. 8: The Modern Period (c. 1815-2000), Tony Michels and Mitchell Hart, editors (Peer reviewed) The Agudah, the Baal Tshuve, and the Complexities of Orthodox Politics in Interwar America, American Jewish History, 97:4 (October 2013), pp. 335-366 (Peer reviewed) Modern Jewish Politics and Orthodoxy: Uneasy bedfellows or a match made in heaven? Orthodox Forum (25th, 2013, ÿմ, New York) (Forthcoming, 2014) The Dreyfus Affair in Early Zionist Culture, in Revising Dreyfus: Art and Law, Maya Balakirsky Katz, ed. (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2013) (Peer reviewed) Emancipating Jewish Sacred Architecture:Reimagining the Synagogue in the 19thand 20thCenturies Jewish Sacred Architecture (Cambridge World History of Religious Architecture series) (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming) (Peer Reviewed) Jerusalem Rebuilt: Fin-de-Siecle visions of the Temple of Jerusalem in Theodor Herzls Altneuland and Ost und West, in The Temple of Jerusalem: From Moses to the Messiah, Steven Fine, ed. (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2011) A Tale of two photographs: Nathan Birnbaum, the election of 1907 and the 1908 Conference of the Yiddish Language, Czernowitz at 100: The First Yiddish Language Conference in Historical Perspective, Joshua Fogel and Kalman Weiser, eds. (Rowman and Littlefield, 2009) The Late Zionism of Nathan Birnbaum: The Herzl controversy reconsidered, AJS Review, 31, 2 (2007) (Refereed Journal) Nathan Birnbaum and Tuvia Horowitz: Friendship and the Emergence of an Orthodox Ideologue, Jewish History 17, 1 (2003) (Refereed Journal) PROJECTS IN PROGRESS From Matsevah to Grabmal: The evolution of Jewish grave markers in Vienna Karl Lueger and Blood Libel: Anti-Semitism the debate over the Austrian Jewish Law of 1890. A study of the role of anti-Semitism in the public speeches of Karl Lueger during his tenure in the Reichsrat. Arrival and its Discontents: The Jewish Religionsgesetz of 1890 and the Vienna Jewish community at the turn of the 20th century. An investigation into the drafting, debate and implementation of the primary piece of legislation dealing with Austro-Hungarian Jews in the fin de sicle period. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST Reichsrat, article in Enzyklopdie jdischer Geschichte und Kultur (Stuttgart/Weimar: Verlag J.B. Metzler, 2015) Review of Kalman Weiser, Jewish People, Yiddish Nation: Noah Prylucki and the Folkists in Poland in Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies Frankfurt am Main, David Friedlnder, and Samson Raphael Hirsch, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Jewish Culture and History, Judith Baskin, ed. (Cambridge University Press, 2010) The Use of History Textbooks in Jewish Secondary Schools, Commissioned and published by the American Jewish Committee (2009) Reflections on Czernowitz News from YIVO /    (December 2008) LANGUAGES English (native language); Hebrew (Ancient and Modern), Yiddish, German, Russian (reading) FELLOWSHIPS, AWARDS 2012: Chelst Book Grant, Yeshiva College 2011: Littauer Foundation Book Grant 2010-2011: Yad Hanadiv-Bracha Foundation Fellow, Jerusalem 2010-2011: Fulbright Teaching-Research Fellowship to Lviv, Ukraine (Declined) 2006-2007: Visiting Fellow, Taube Center for Jewish Studies, Stanford University 2005-2006: Hazel D. Cole Fellow in Jewish Studies, University of Washington 2004-2005: Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Jewish Studies, National Foundation of Jewish Studies 1999-2005: Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University 2002: Mellon Fellowship for summer research, Stanford University 2001-03: Newhouse Fellowship for summer research in Jewish Studies, Stanford University 2000: Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship for study of Russian, Monterey Institute of International Studies 1999: Oxford Centre scholarship for study of Hebrew at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem 1998-1999: Skirball Fellowship for Graduate Diploma in Jewish Studies, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies SELECT PAPERS PRESENTED From Matsevah to Grabmal: Fin de sicle Jewish tombstones in Vienna as tools of cultural interpretation, 45th Annual Conference, Association for Jewish Studies, Boston, 2013 Israel: Renaissance or Refuge? Agudath Israel and the Question of Palestine in the Interwar Period, 45th Annual Conference, Association for Jewish Studies, Boston, 2013 Modern Jewish Politics and Orthodoxy: Uneasy bedfellows or a match made in heaven? Orthodox Forum, ÿմ, 2013 (Invited paper) Nathan Birnbaum and Modern Jewish Politics, Tel Aviv University, January 2012 (Invited paper) Karl Lueger and Blood Libel in Austrian Jewish Legislation, Tel Aviv University, January 2012 (Invited paper) The Agudah and Der Baal Tshuve: Nathan Birnbaum, the Agudath Israel, and the Complexities of Early Orthodox Politics, in panel Radical Orthodoxy in the 20th Century, 43rd Annual Conference, Association for Jewish Studies, Washington DC., December 2011 Between Emperor and the Community: Franz Josefs Religious Legislation and the Jewish Communal Response in Vienna, International Conference Israel and the Nations Visions and Reality, Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, New York, July 2011. The House that Straucher Built: Czernowitz and the New Jewish City, Zionism on the Jewish Street: Urban geography and Jewish nationalism at the beginning of the 20th century, International Conference, ÿմ and ÿմ Museum, March 2010 Jewish Power and Politics in Central Europe: The case of fin-de-sicle Czernowitz, Jewish Power and Politics in the Modern World, ÿմ Conference, Center for Jewish History, New York, May 2009 Theodor Herzls Altneuland as a Model of National Identity Formation in the Late Austro-Hungarian Empire, 14th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, Imagined communities, real conflicts, and national identities, Columbia University, New York, April 2009 Re-reading Altneuland: Theodor Herzl and Cultural Zionism. Association for Jewish Studies 40th Annual Conference, Washington D.C., December 2008 From Politics to Peoplehood: Nathan Birnbaum, politics and culture reconsidered in the 1908 Yiddish Language Conference, Czernowitz Yiddish Language International Centenary Conference, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, August 2008 Nathan Birnbaum as President of the Czernowitz Conference of the Yiddish Langauge, Symposium in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Czernowitz Yiddish Language Conference, YIVO Institute, New York, July 2008 Jerusalem Rebuilt: The Temple of Jerusalem in the fin-de-siecle Zionist imagination, Conference: The Temple of Jerusalem from Moses to the Messiah: The inaugural conference of the ÿմ Center for Israel Studies, New York, May 2008. A Tale of Two Photographs: Nathan Birnbaum, the election of 1907 and the 1908 Conference of the Yiddish Language, presented at Czernowitz at 100: The first Yiddish language conference in historical perspective, Toronto, 2008. Nathan Birnbaum: Intellectual origins of an Orthodox ideologue, presented at the Association for Jewish Studies 37th Annual Conference, 18-20 December 2005, Washington D.C. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE External reviewer, Jewish Social Studies, AJS Review, Journal of Modern Jewish History, Brill Academic Publishers Book reviewer, American History Review; Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies; Central European History; Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewish History COURSES TAUGHT 2014-2017: The Culture of Fin de Siecle Vienna 2013-2017: Jews and Empires: Alterity and Identity in the Russian, Ottoman and Habsburg Empires at the fin de sicle (Bernard Revel Graduate School) 2012: The Idea of Self: Autobiography and identity from the classical to the modern period, (To be taught autumn, 2012) 2012: Archeology of Modern History: Historiographic theory and methods, (Tutorial, Bernard Revel Graduate School) 2010: Survey of Central European Jewish History, 1700-1933 ÿմ, (Seminar, Bernard Revel Graduate School) 2009: History of Austro-Hungarian Jewry, 1772-1916, ÿմ, (Seminar, Bernard Revel Graduate School) 2008: The History of Jewish Nationalism, 1840-1914, ÿմ (Honors Seminar, Yeshiva College) 2008, 2011: History of German Jewry, 1840-1933, ÿմ (Seminar, Bernard Revel Graduate School) 2007-Present: Survey of Modern Jewish History, ÿմ (Lecture, Yeshiva College) 2007: Orthodoxy and Fundamentalism in Modernity, University of Washington (Seminar) 2006: Instructor, The Jews of fin-de-sicle Vienna, University of Washington, (Lecture/Seminar) 2004: Instructor, Orthodoxy and Fundamentalism in the Modern Age, University of Washington (Seminar) 2002: Teaching Assistant, History of the Holocaust, Stanford University 2001: Teaching Assistant, African-American History to the Harlem Renaissance, Stanford University 2001: Teaching Assistant, United States in the 20th Century, Stanford University  NZ]rs  L W    ! x  E k ƾƳƬ󠙠xnhgB*aJphhg6B*aJphhKhgB*aJphh_hg6 hg6\ hg\ hg6] htchtchj1 htc5\htc5>*\htc h/hg hg6h`>h:h=hg5\ hg5\h|=hgh/hg5& 1N[\]st* + f { |  1$7$8$H$gdtc01$7$8$H$^`0gdg 1$7$8$H$gdg&d 1$7$8$H$P 1$7$8$H$ $1$7$8$H$a$gdg     a b    ! 1$7$8$H$p1$7$8$H$^p`gdg01$7$8$H$^`0gdgp1$7$8$H$]^p`gd`> 1$7$8$H$gdg&d 1$7$8$H$P gdg D E [\XQ2h1$7$8$H$^gdg 0^`0gdg 1$7$8$H$gdg 1$7$8$H$gd|=01$7$8$H$^`0gdg!Z\WXfh R\ams )12TW<Fȹȹȵ} htc\ hg5\h=hg6] h&U&hg h4Vhgh4Vhg6]hhg6]hg hg6]h&U&hg] hg] h$hg hg6\ hg\ hKhghgB*aJphhKhgB*H*aJph.hi [\*+PQRqr01$7$8$H$^`0gdj1 0&d 1$7$8$H$P ^`0gdg&d 1$7$8$H$P gdg 1$7$8$H$gdg01$7$8$H$^`0gdg!([\)TcOPQqrGK;<=帪{wpwjahWhg_H  hg_H  hg6]hghs2hg6\hR'EhR'E6\hR'E6OJQJ\mHsHhR'EhR'E\mHsHhR'EhR'E6\mHsHhR'EhR'E\ hg5\h1hg\h1hgH*\ hg6\ hR'E\ hg\htchtc\ htc\htc6\]#<=@BDXZ:< 1$7$8$H$gdG//&d 1$7$8$H$P gdg1$7$8$H$^gdg 1$7$8$H$gdg01$7$8$H$^`0gdg=u >8::<~*+,-󧜔m]mhgB*CJOJQJaJph%h4ghhgB*CJOJQJaJph h4ghhgh_hgB*H*phhgB*phh_hgB*ph h_hgh_hgH* hG//5\hG//h=hg5\ h\hghg6]_H hg6]_H o( hg6] hg5\hghhg6$*+yzhi>?&d 1$7$8$H$P gdg01$7$8$H$^`0gdg 1$7$8$H$gdg}~+,  !!"""##w$1$7$8$H$^gdg01$7$8$H$^`0gdg^gdggdg 0^`0gdg 1$7$8$H$gdg !=!?!!!?#A###w$x$$$$I%M%u%%%&&''"(/((())G*I*********ytt hg] hg5\ hgH* hVhgh{QhgH*hVhgH* h,!<hg h\hg hg6]hs~hgH* h^Ihgh^IhgH*aJh^Ihg5\aJh^Ihg\aJh^IhgaJ hgaJhgh4ghhgCJOJQJ-w$x$$%%%5&6&&''i'''G(((;)))***01$7$8$H$^`0gdg1$7$8$H$`gdg1$7$8$H$^gdg 1$7$8$H$gdg*** + ++++++++,, - ---01$7$8$H$^`0gdG//&d 1$7$8$H$P 1$7$8$H$ 1$7$8$H$gdG//01$7$8$H$^`0gdg 1$7$8$H$gdg&d 1$7$8$H$P gdg**+-+3+5+;+L+k+m++++++++++++,~//1TLTMTOTPTRTSTUTVTXTYT_T`TaTcTdTjTkTlTmTnTpTqTrTϯϳhj1 0JmHnHu hg0Jjhg0JUh jh UU hr@hghj1 hgh=hg5\ hg5\ hG//hghG// hG//6]hG//hg] hG//]hG//hG//6 hG//6 hg] hg6]0---s.t...O/P////00g0h0001111111$7$8$H$1$7$8$H$`gdg 1$7$8$H$gdg01$7$8$H$^`0gdg2000: Teaching Assistant, Jews in the Modern World, Stanford University     PAGE  PAGE 1 1JTKTLTNTOTQTRTTTUTWTXTaTbTcTnToTpTqTrTh]hgdg &`#$gdg 1$7$8$H$gdg1$7$8$H$01$7$8$H$^`0gdg;0P:pg/ =!"#$% Dp&} 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@6_H mH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List $$ 4Vstyle14U 4 ,!< Hyperlink >*ph4@4 Y0Header  !4 @"4 YFooter  !.)@1. g Page Number6/A6 K0 Header CharCJaJPK!pO[Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢]yl#!MB;.n̨̽\A1&ҫ QWKvUbOX#&1`RT9<l#$>r `С-;c=1g?}~O:~kҏM݄׷ )I0wK)K`qfݢFHb?G+D7HȌ x|iRLJqbOYPΥyL#R=E6wR#ϣ\16h>(()1!F\OI1yA"֐LəQMc@^V6o#6ϝU񅉄Q )FRrFrB72aʜ snyz? rnyӑCv(Yذ: ~%'L̼C9c_lj5xS,<̨ɊVRohzB+~KOOI̲uk##7~FmKw{ 7n_n?/绗Bx˭kYW[d}N('\m9zj"Cy'.ʐq2&""h;+Dpqg8lհշerfk.NsHlk~9"Gڛҽb5i{d&D{=(!hjew¢kaёשaʬɁV=0#xBdTyL`MvL$r3IȨc4Euиid(|PZX6` 4Օem5}(-z0Y@pE4g6ʲȸ"WABJ+_JCz%YA$BO6"#Zaol ijK.Joegzmo1QT5#QQt1JK:ꬌvVhglzPnZvޮ{&iv3fXXޮk!M;|.ے]k>2~{QLfPweXjv1jv&~kv+neN`]04_+U՗;{ 1K*J%|zl&jO"DqkH}]^J*^ӫU:~Y~>uË(*/]۽%UTq! :[q*f\Na+hto\B~3ZNUתIn5}b+壈W:PK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-!pO[Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 -_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!o(ʾtheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] /)X $$$'=*rT!$' hw$*-1rT "#%&(+  '!!  !"(R\adW a ~   ! 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