The Academic Integrity Committee (AIC) is comprised of representatives from the faculty of Stern College for Women, Sy Syms School of Business, Undergraduate Torah Studies, and Yeshiva College. In addition to adjudicating cases of academic integrity violations, the AIC also provides guidance on issues related to academic integrity. Faculty who need additional information regarding the Academic Integrity Policy, guidance on a specific potential violation, or would like information on best practices may contact their AIC representative directly or email the entire committee at academicintegrity@yu.edu. Students with questions about individual assignments or course policies should contact their instructor.
Stern College for Women Representative and AIC Co-Chair
Nora Nachumi
Yeshiva College Representative and AIC Co-Chair
Matthew Incantalupo
Sy Syms School of Business Representative
Marc Spear
Undergraduate Torah Studies Representative
Rabbi Benjamin Rofeh
At-Large Representative